Pelleting raises planting efficiency by giving each seed a smooth round surface and uniform shape. Designed to allow Lettuce seed the right conditions for development, the pellet splits open on contact with moisture. The Split Pill combined with the ThermoCure priming allows germination at temperatures up to 10°C higher. The ThermoCure treatment also breaks photodormancy, allowing seed to germinate in both light and dark conditions.

Regionale beschikbaarheid
- Europe
- Priming
- Pelleting
Dit product is vrij van microplastics volgens de huidige ECHA-richtlijnen
Kenmerken en voordelen
- Raises planting efficiency.
- Increases germination upper temperature limit up to 10°C.
- Breaks photodormancy, allowing seed to germinate in both light and dark conditions.
- Lettuce

Thermocure Lettuce
Seeds primed with Incotec's Thermocure Lettuce germinate at temperatures up to 10 degrees higher than that for unprimed seeds. Watch the time-lapse to see the clear difference that this priming makes.
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