The SplitKote Special pellet is developed for direct sowing in the open field and improves sowability. Incotec's long proven pill SplitKote Special, performs very well even under varying/wet growing conditions and has a good stand establishment. The integrated priming ensures high, uniform germination over a wide range of temperatures.
Regionale beschikbaarheid
- Europe
- Priming
- Pelleting
Dit product is vrij van microplastics volgens de huidige ECHA-richtlijnen
Kenmerken en voordelen
- High and uniform germination over a wide range of temperatures (even under varying/wet growing conditions).
- Improves sowability.
- Root chicory
Productbrochures en gidsen
Category: Productinformatie
Title: Product information Europe SplitKote Special 2.5 Root Chicory
Product information Europe SplitKote Special 2.5 Root Chicory
Language: Engels | Size: 1541,96kb
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