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Promotor Celery

A tailored priming for Celery seed to obtain a faster germination, resulting in more uniformly germination seedlings over a wider temperature range.
Promotor Celery

Regionale beschikbaarheid

  • South America


  • Priming

Kenmerken en voordelen

  • Increased speed of emergence, resulting in both faster and more uniformly germinating seed.
  • Allows germination at a wider temperature range (increased upper temperature limit).
  • Breaks photodormancy, allowing seed to germinate in both light and dark conditions.


  • Celery

Priming Celery

Watch the time-lapse video and see for yourself how Incotec's celery priming gives a germination result that is both faster and more uniform. 

Productbrochures en gidsen

Category: Productinformatie

Title: Product information Brazil Promotor Celery

Language: Engels | Size: 1890kb

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