An advanced priming that is second to none. Promotor can break dormancies typical in rootstock seeds giving a uniform product. The priming is engineered to take cultivar traits into account and deliver the germination uniformity demanded by the Tomato seed propagation business.

Regionale beschikbaarheid
- Europe
- Priming
Dit product is vrij van microplastics volgens de huidige ECHA-richtlijnen
Kenmerken en voordelen
- Increases the speed of emergence (and vigour).
- Improves the uniformity.
- Increases number of usable transplants.
- Rootstock tomato

Rootstock Tomato Priming
Rootstock tomato seeds primed with Incotec's priming germinate faster and more uniformly. Germination in unprimed seeds is slow and irregular. Watch the time-lapse video and see the amazing results for yourself.
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