Today's planting equipment requires a smooth round shape for optimal results. Pelleting seeds creates that smooth surface and uniform shape as well as an increase in size and weight: all characteristics designed to maximize planting efficiency. Incotec's coating products are developed to maintain the germination capacity of the seed.
The SplitKote pellet improves sowability and can act as a carrier for plant protection products. Incotec's long proven pill SplitKote, performs very well even under varying/dry growing conditions and has a good stand establishment.

Product details
Regional availability
- Asia (China)
- Pelleting
Features and benefits
- Good performer under varying/dry conditions.
- Creates uniform shape.
- Maximizes planting efficiency.
- Maintains germination capacity of the seed.
- Bunching onion
Product brochures & guides
Category: Product information
Title: Product information China SplitKote Bunching Onion
随着当今农业机械化精量播种的发展,对种子形状和表⾯光滑度要求越来越高以获得理想的播种效果。种子丸粒化技术可以在增大增重种 子的同时使种子形状⼀致且表⾯光滑,这些特性可以提高种子机械播种的精确性和有效性。盈可泰独特的丸粒化技术方案能够保障丸粒化 种子和原始种子一致的发芽能力。
Language: Chinese | Size: 2115kb
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