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eXccit Brassica

An effective priming plus seed hygiene process to reduce the level of Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris / Xanthomonas campestris pv. Amoraciae (Xcc/Xca) bacteria in Brassica seeds. This technology has no negative effect on the germination capacity and may even prompt the seed to germinate faster when sown. eXccit can easily be combined with an upgrading step. Also available for Brassica parent lines.
eXccit Brassica
Product details

Regional availability

  • North America
  • Europe


  • Priming
  • Seed hygiene

Microplastic free

This product is microplastic free according to current ECHA guidelines

Features and benefits

  • Reducing the level of Xcc/Xca with no negative effect on germination capacity.


  • Brassica
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