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Incotec sponsors golf prize donation to charity

As sponsor of the International Seed Federation Golf Tournament, Incotec has provided 5000 euros to be donated to the tournament winners’ favourite charity. The tournament took place on 4 Juni in Cape Town, South Africa and is the kickoff event to the annual World Seed Congress. The winners, Dorien van Engelenberg (Agro Business Solutions), Jeremy Johnson (South Pacific Seeds), George Crookham (Crookham Company) and Shawn Brook (Seed World) have chosen to divide the cash prize between two charities: Gift of the Givers Foundation and Afrika Tikkun ZA


Incotec's managing director presents prize to ISF golf tournament winners
Next year, is the ISF centenary year. As long-term sponsor, Incotec is looking forward to supporting the 2024 special edition of the World Seed Congress and golf tournament which will take place in The Netherlands.
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